• From CoinDesk Bitcoin rose 4% over the past 24 hours, compared with a 6% rally in DOGE. Most cryptocurrencies traded higher on Thursday after Russia’s Duma committee chairman suggested during a news conference that bitcoin (BTC) could be accepted as payment for the nation’s oil and other resource exports. Russia’s announcement contributed to a spike […]

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  • From CoinDesk To finance mining rigs running in the down market. Firms will have to look beyond stock issuance. They may have to borrow against their machines, mined crypto, or put themselves up for sale. Access to capital is the backbone of any industry, not least of all for cryptocurrency-linked companies that are relatively young […]

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  • From ZeroHedge The Fed finally admits it has an inflation problem. Yet, what is the bigger inflation problem and potentially more destabilizing to the economy as it unwinds? Is it the 40-year high in consumer price inflation, or is it the surge and record valuations of asset prices? Of course, policymakers would say it’s consumer […]

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  • From CoinDesk  The move would be a challenge to the U.S. dollar, which has dominated as the medium of exchange for the oil trade for decades. Saudi Arabia is in discussions with Beijing about pricing some Saudi oil sales to China in yuan instead of dollars, according to a Wall Street Journal report, citing people […]

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  • From: S&P Global In early 2021 Russia secured an increase to its oil output quota under the OPEC+ agreement for February and March, the latest sign that Russia’s comparatively strong economic position is allowing it to push for better terms under the deal. Economics is set to underpin future negotiations in 2021, with Russia likely […]

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  • From Coin Desk Back in 2012, as an excited economics undergrad, I decided I wanted to invest some of the money I had into bitcoin (BTC). It was a complicated process that involved driving to Walmart (WMT) and sending a MoneyGram money order to a company called ZipZap, which would then send my money to […]

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  • From Forex Live: Instagram will implement NFT in a couple of months, Meta founder Mark Zuckerberg said. Despite the loud statement, it should be noted that all of Zuckerberg’s projects related to digital assets previously failed and did not find wide support from the digital community. The head of Meta has a good sense of […]

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